Categoría: U.S. Citizens
La Administración Trump pondrá a Cuba contra las cuerdas con Marco Rubio como Secretario de Estado
El Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Cuba hizo pública una declaración el 31 de enero de 2025, en la que denuncia el próximo recrudecimiento de las presiones sobre Cuba desde la Casa…
Luxury home siboney area (Havana City)
Luxury Home Siboney Area (Havana City)Luxury villa located in the residential area of Siboney, nearby Club Havana and Palco hotel. In this area, prices per home per night are around these ranges.…
The Cuba African Diaspora´s Program Day 1 – Havana City (D) DATE:U.S. to Cuba-Travel from home to Havana TIME TENTATIVE ITINERARY8:35 AM American Airlines Flight XXXXX Depart XXX12:38 PMArrive Miami from XXX…
Cuba P2P programs for US citizens
Cuba P2P Programs for U.S. Citizens Dates: Flexible (except peak seasons when increase go to 20% or 30% in some services) Group: From 4 to 40 persons Accommodations: As good as possible…
For a Balance in The World
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT CALLInternational Conference FOR A BALANCE IN THE WORLD January 28-31 – Palacio de Convenciones, Havana, Cuba The work carried out during International Conference WITH ALL AND FOR THE GOOD OF ALL…
Check Live Fligts To/From Cuba
Check Live Flights To/From Cuba Airports Flight Stats provides with Live Information about all flights going in to Cuba or departuring from any Cuba airport. Just click here, sign up and have…
Cuba Expects 155 Weekly Flights From USA
Cuba expects 155 new weekly flights from the USA Cuba expects 155 new weekly flights from the USA may be starting next September 2016, with more than 20,000 passengers a week. Operational…
Flights From MIA With American Airlines
Flights from Miami (MIA) Starting June 13, 2016For travel beginning Sepr 7, 2016 Cienfuegos (CFG) Holguín (HOG) For travel beginning September 9, 2016 Camagüey (CMW) Santa Clara (SNU) For travel beginning September…
U.S. Law and Travel to Cuba in 2015
U.S. Law and Travel to Cuba in 2015 By Christopher P. Baker Visit the website for more details March 1st, 2015 Photo © Greg Blomberg/123rf. Cuba has no restrictions on international…
Embajada de Cuba USA
Embajada de Cuba en Washington, D.C. PASAPORTES Y VISAS HUMANITARIAS Y PERMANENTES Para los cubanos que residen en Estados Unidos y se interesen en sacar pasaportes cubanos nuevos, o renovar los que…