Mes: enero 2016

  • Clothing To Visita Cuba

    Clothing to visit Cuba Light color cotton or similar fabric clothing are best suited for most of the year. However, from late October to March, cold fronts are frequent with casual recorded…


    Monedas La moneda oficial es el Peso Cubano (CUP). En Cuba, todas las compras y los servicios se realizan en pesos cubanos. Puede cambiarse a pesos cubanos en hoteles, aeropuertos, bancos y…

  • Customs Declaration

    Custom House Tourists enjoy the benefits of the Convention on the Custom House Act for Tourism also signed by Cuba, that is why, in addition to the clothes and other new or…

  • Infotur, All The Tourist Information About Cuba

    Infotur: all the tourist information about Cuba Welcome to the new version of Infotur Website, the site with the most complete information on tourism in Cuba. The Tourist Information National Office and…

  • Art And Color

    Art and Color Feel the pleasure to stop at the Havana museums and workshop- houses of our most famoust plastic artists. There you will discover the genuine art of what’s mythical and…

  • Fishing With Tackles

    Fishing with tackles Las Brujas Key, where we can find La Técnica, is connected to Caibarién municipality from Villa Clara province by a road over the sea (pedraplén). Here, visitors have 4…

  • Cayo Largo del Sur

    Cayo Largo, located in Los Canarreos archipelago, has some of the most impressive natural attractions of Cuban geography. Its pristine nature outstands for its preservation.   Iguanas, turtles, pelicans and other species…


    Varadero Josone Resting Park was a private residence and resting place for Jose Fermín Iturrioz and Llaguno and his wife Onelia. Jose Fermin was an influential person in the world of the…


    Videos turísticos de Cuba Cuba in 4K HD Cuba Documentary: An American Travels to Havana Cuba Cuba without Fidel (Documentary of 2013 from the series “I Love Democracy”) 8th Wonder Of The…


    Primer destino turístico de Cuba   Varadero se extiende en forma de estrecha península al norte de la provincia de Matanzas. La blanca y fina arena de su playa que se extiende…